Hello and
welcome to me. I'm Terry, also known as Tel,
TC and Bert. It's a long story! I play Bass and sing with The 6Ts. I'd
always been into music and constantly listened to the pirates playing
the latest hits of the day, however my musical career didn't begin
until 1965 when a school friend of mine joined a local band as bass
player and I thought I
could do that and I could do it better. I can and I do!
I paid my dues and gained notoriety playing in various bands until in 1976 I was reunited with my mate Lol, who I'd played with before, when we formed DIE LAUGHING. We played extensively in Britain and Europe, released records, had great reviews and always went down well with audiences, building a large following of fans. We even nearly won the National Melody Maker Rock Folk Contest. At that time Punk followed by other styles of music had become fashionable and no matter how good the band or the music, if it was just good rock music, the record companies weren't interested, a shame as a lot of good bands and musicians were cast aside for the sake of fashion.
In 1984, DIE LAUGHING ceased to be and I returned to playing locally and quite often lent my talents to a country band called The Alamo. It was however not just any old country band as some of the finest musicians in the land used to play in that band in between touring and recording commitments. When a new drummer was needed, my thoughts instantly turned to my mate Lol who jumped at the chance to play with his old mate Tel.
We played many gigs with The Alamo and it became
clear that when we played 60s songs, the response was phenomenal. Ah,
we thought, no one else does it so why not form a band playing just 60s
songs? So we did, THE 6Ts! After all, it's the music that we were
dragged up on and every one loves the songs from the 60s! From Humble
beginnings, The 6Ts have gone from strength to strength and I am
immensely proud to be a member of a band that not only pleases its
audience at every performance but also sounds
just like the bands sounded in that wonderful era!!
Custom built Bass Guitar /
Danelectro Long Horn Bass / Carvin B1500 Head and Carvin 8 X 10 Cabinet
Line 6 Transmitter System /
Various Effects Pedals.